Monday, February 2, 2015

F-Troop - Monday 2nd February 2015

F-Troop Morning Tea - Sam Knox, Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer, 
Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Carolyn Buttsworth, Geoff Bridge (Jan Martin)

Work in Progresss at The 5th Green

Tranquility Garden at the 6th Tee tidied up.

Spiders and cobwebs eliminated from under the seat at the 6th Tee.

We had a great turn up of volunteers for F-Troop this morning regardless of the pouring rain. 
Fortunately the weather cleared in short time and we were able to get some good projects done.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Sam Knox, Warren Gray, Peter Martin, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Di Beechey, Caroline Buttsworth, Jan Martin.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge and Rob Benson removed a tree from the back of the 5th Green and a large branch from a tree on the 1st fairway.

Peter Martin and Warren Gray had the difficult task of pick up around the course and removed a lot of loose timber and rubbish.

Sam Knox did some timber splitting for our firewood sales.

Di Beechey and Caroline Buttsworth cleaned the windows at the bottom of the clubhouse before needing to attend the Ladies Committee Meeting.

I worked out at the Bush Toilets at the 14th, cleaning up the gardens and paths, the toilets including removing the cobwebs and eliminated the spiders and ants, tidied up the tranquility garden at the 6th tee including removing the cobwebs and eliminating the spiders from under the seat, cleaned up at the Ladies 3rd Tee.

We were all ready for morning tea at 10.30 and enjoyed freshly cooked scones, jam and cream with a bonus platter of fresh fruit which was very much appreciated. Thank you Chef Alice!


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