Sunday, March 25, 2012

F-Troop - Monday 26th March 2012

We had an incredibly busy morning with the course buzzing with workers - the greenstaff were on maintenance duty working on the greens - holes one through to nine; the F-Troopers were working throughout the course and the volunteers from the working bee were working on the 1st fairway.

The volunteers - Ken Ongley, Kevin O'Brien, Dick Bosely, Peter Cruden and two of our club Directors Sheena Asken and Mark Stimpson representing the Greens Committee did some great work on the first fairway.  They removed about a ute load of paspalum from the fairway and then repaired the fairway with new grass which will enable a quick recovery of the fairway.  Congratulations to each and every one of them for doing such a great job.  I am sure all the Members will appreciate their efforts when they are not faced with hitting their ball from a paspalum infested fairway.    More hands make light work & the extra hands were appreciated today.

The "tree gang" of Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Bruce White  worked hard all morning trimming low branches from the trees on the first fairway.

Peter Martin & Warren Gray were in charge of rubbish removal around the course and managed to collect four trailer loads of rubbish & then repaired a large hole in the path at the second tee.

Sam Knox worked all morning splitting timber for our wood sales.

Rob Benson worked with the tree gang before becoming support crew for the working bee.

Anne Burgess worked on the camellia way, weeding and fertilising as well as cleaning up the BBQ area.

Di Beechey worked on the BBQ area before helping me to plant shrubs at the 17th; weed and trim the 6th; tidy up at the 3rd and 5th tees; tidy up at the 18th tee, removed a dangerous piece of metal protruding from the path at the back of the 11th green; created a new garden spot at the 1st green; tied up supports for the tibouchinas at the bubbler garden, watered the front gardens and repaired damage hedge plants, raked up underneath the clubhouse.

Morning tea was very much appreciated by all of the workers as it had been a long morning.  Mini Muffins and fruit pastries went over well - thanks Chef John!

It was a long morning but very worthwhile as many tasks were completed.


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