Sunday, March 21, 2010

F-Troop Monday 22nd March 2010

F-Troopers had another full-on day with a lot of jobs cleared from the list. We had 10 troopers on duty today which was good as many of our regulars were not available to work. We welcomed back John Coddington to the fold and others I saw on duty were Duncan Dyer, Garry Trigg, Geoff Bridge, Peter Martin, Doug Incoll, Bruce White, Di Beechey and Georgina Lamb.
Garry Trigg did a long shift on the rough cutter including cutting between the wedding garden & 1st tee near where we were working today.
Duncan Dyer & John Coddington took care of some tree maintenance with the chain saw at the 17th & removed some old shrubs at the 1st that were past their use by date.
Doug Incoll and Bruce White did timber pick up using our trailer as our two usually reliable ute's were not available today. Geoff Bridge backed up with support with the tractor & trailer. Between the two groups they had multiple trips to the dump with some very large branches & huge piles of rubbish taken out of the garden at the 1st. There were additional large branches down on the course due to some high wind last night including a huge branch that came down overnight in the lower carpark (just as well there were no cars parked there)
I was fortunate to have two garden helpers today which meant we could make a serious effort at the garden at the 1st. Georgina Lamb & Di Beechey made a mighty effort in helping me clear the garden bed - which was a lot bigger than it first looked. With all that girl power we managed to get the most of it done before morning tea. We transplanted one of the tropical plants to the garden at the 2nd & cleared out all the old tired plants, replanted one of the Nandina shrubs.
This garden has been in a state of neglect for some time so hopefully we can bring it back with some TLC.
Morning tea was another treat - scones, cream & jam and apricot pastries. Lovely! Thanks John & Nick!
After morning tea it was all hands on deck to clear all the rubbish from the 1st tee & clean up as much as possible. Everyone stayed until mid day or after today which was a great effort by everybody.
Thank you Troopers!

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