Sunday, May 8, 2016

F-Troop Monday 9th May 2016

F-Troop Morning Tea - Di Beechey, Terry Coyle, Steve Hogg, John Hollebon, Garry Trigg, Don Nicholls, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge, Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer, Peter Martin, Rob Benson (Jan Martin)

How many men does it take to pack up a tool kit?

F-Troopers Rob Benson and Terry Coyle on pick up duty on the 6th 

F-Troopers Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien and Steve Hogg 
Undercutting at the back of the 13th green.

F-Troopers Don Nicholls and John Hollebon cleaning up at the front street garden.

Front street garden trimmed 

Lawn mowed at the front street

Front street garden looking better for a clean up

Under threat of rain we still had 13 volunteers to work on the course this morning.

On hand were Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien, Terry Coyle, Steve Hogg, Don Nicholls, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Garry Trigg, Peter Martin, John Hollebon, Di Beechey and Jan Martin

The course was busy with 120 social players for an 8.30 shotgun start Charity Day. We got a few "on course" jobs done before the golfers hit off and then found some off course work to be done.

The tree gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge, Garry Trigg and Steve Hogg worked on tree maintenance as long as they could and then packed the ute with firewood for an after morning tea delivery.

Rob Benson and Terry Coyle worked on rubbish and loose timber pick up around the course.

John Hollebon worked on the front street garden with the help of Peter Martin, Don Nicholls and Di Beechey. 

Peter and Don also mowed the grass section of the front street garden and repaired the broken fence at the front steps.

Di cleaned up the car parks and around the clubhouse, the wedding garden area and helped to clean up the front street garden.

I worked at the 14th bush toilets, the 6th tranquility garden, the Ladies 3rd Tee, watered the bike plants, watered the garden at the ladies 9th tee, watered the new hedge at the 4th tee, watered the pots in the wedding gazebo and the 9th green, dead headed the roses at the putting green.

Morning tea of savoury breads and cakes was much appreciated - thank you Barto!

After Morning Tea Kevin O'Brien, Peter Martin and I planted out seven of the hedge plants that were previously removed from the 4th tee. They were replanted at the 15th island for a privacy screen. Then with the help of Duncan Dyer the firewood was delivered and stacked. 


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