Sunday, May 1, 2016

F-Troop - Monday 2nd May 2016

F-Troop Morning Tea - Steve Hogg, Kevin O'Brien, Mark Stimpson, Geoff Bridge, Di Beechey, Duncan Dyer, Paul Scholberg, Garry Trigg, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, (Peter Martin, Jan Martin, Terry Coyle, Rob Benson, Anne Burgess)

Tree Gang taking down a dead tree on the 13th fairway

F-Troopers Don Nicholls and Peter Martin replanting the hedge plants at the 4th Tee

A healthier looking hedge now at the 4th tee

Some new potted plants at the Ladies Garden at the 13th Tee

We had a very busy day at F-Troop today with some big projects to complete.

We had 13 volunteers to share the load.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Rob Benson, Terry Coyle, Steve Hogg, Garry Trigg, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Jan Martin.

The tree gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien, Terry Coyle and Garry Trigg removed three dead trees from around the course including a large tree at the 13th and then loaded the ute with firewood for a delivery after morning tea.

Rob Benson and Steve Hogg were in charge of rubbish pick up around the course and worked hard all morning.

Peter Martin and Don Nicholls picked up hedge plants and potting mix, replanted the hedge plants at the 4th tee, did some plumbing work in the clubhouse, replaced a watering hose at the 14th bush toilets.

Di Beechey and Anne Burgess worked around the clubhouse gardens, underneath the clubhouse, BBQ area and the car parking area picking up rubbish and cleaning out the gardens.

I collected the hedge plants, trimmed the yellow hedge at the 14th roundabout, cleaned up at the 14th Bush toilets, 6th tranquility garden, 3rd tee, 5th tee, collected some succulent cuttings from our existing gardens to use in some new pots for the Ladies garden at the 13th tee, potted up plants removed from the 4th tee to be reused at the wood heap area, checked the hedge plants at the 4th tee.

Morning tea of savoury bread rolls and assorted cakes was very welcome after a hard mornings work. Many thanks to Barto for his sumptuous goodies that he supplies for our morning tea.

After morning tea the boys did a firewood delivery.


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