Sunday, May 3, 2015

F-Troop - Monday 4th May 2015

F-Troop Morning Tea - Kevin O'Brien, Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Don Nicholls, Rob Benson,
Di Beechey, Steve Hogg, Carolyn Buttsworth, Warren Gray, Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin
(Jan Martin)

The Tree Gang working their way down the fence.ine reducing the fallen trees into manageable size

F-Troopers Kevin O'Brien, Duncan Dyer and Di Beechey working in the Wedding a Garden 

F-Troopers Steve Hogg and Warren Gray on their way to the next project

F-Troopers Steve Hogg and Warren Gray propping up a fallen shrub in the Wedding Garden

F-Troopers Di Beechey and Carolyn Buttsworth working in the Wedding Garden

F-Troopers Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Steve Hogg and Carolyn Buttsworthn cleaning g up the 
Trimmed fence in the front car park.

We had an even dozen volunteers for F-Troop today which was great considering the day was overcast and showery.  On hand were Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin, Don Nicholls, Warren Gray, Rob Benson, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge, Steve Hogg, Di Beechey, Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.

The course was closed yesterday due to the wet weather which left the course too wet for us to be able to take vehicles, heavy equipment or carts out on the course.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge and Kevin O'Brien took care of a lot of the fallen branches in the back car park, the fallen tree behind the temporary 2nd green, several fallen trees along the fence line and helped to clean out the damaged agavis in the wedding Garden.

Another good project done today was the cut back of the lantana hedge in the front car park worked on by Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Steve Hogg and Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.

A tidy up was done on the star jasmin hedge in the front street garden, the Agavi garden and paths in the wedding garden, shrub in the wedding garden staked up, tree fern at the front steps trimmed and garden weeded.

Peter Martin and Don Nicholls took care of some plumbing problems in the clubhouse and repaired some of the damaged tables in the Members Lounge.

We were spoilt again today by Chef Alice who sent us down platters of pancakes, vegetable cakes and Fresh Fruit.Thank you Alice - that was appreciated on a showery morning.

There is still a lot of pick up to be done on the course as soon as we can get out there.


The course will be open for play tomorrow but no carts are allowed on the course. I understand that hot weather has been forecast which will be a shock to the system but will help to dry out the course.

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