Sunday, May 17, 2015

F-Troop - Monday 18th May 2015

F-Troop Morning Tea - Warren Gray, Richard Casey, Trevor Harrison, Garry Trigg, Jan Martin, 
Don Nicholls, Anne Burgess, Di Beechey, Peter Martin, Rob Benson, Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge,
Kevin O'Brien.

Kevin O'Brien - our newest F-Trooper presented with his shirt today.

F-Troopers Garry Trigg, Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer and Kevin O'Brien helping with pick up 
At the 13th Tee.

Ladies Garden at the 13th looking better for a tidy up.

Yellow hedge at the 14th after a trim!

Wedding Garden looking much better for a clean up and mulch

We achieved a lot of good work today even though the course was busy with a big group of Vets Golfers on the course. 

We had 13 volunteers which was fantastic for today's projects.  On hand were Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Don Nicholls, Garry Trigg, Kevin O'Brien, Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Peter Martin, Richard Casey, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien and Garry Trigg took care of cleaning up a large fallen pine at the back of the temporary 2nd green as well as other clean up jobs.

Peter Martin, Don Nicholls and Richard Casey collected three trailer loads of mulch and spread it on the Wedding Garden to have it presentable for this Saturday's Garden Wedding.

Rob Benson and Warren Gray did pick up around the course - and there was plenty of it.

Di Beechey and Anne Burgess put it a huge mornings work cleaning up the car parks, BBQ area, planted a new camellia at the 18th in addition to all the work they put into tidying up the Wedding Garden. 

I worked out at the 14th cleaning the bush toilets and the gardens and paths, fertilised the Orange a Trumpet Vines, trimmed the yellow hedge at the 14th roundabout, planted a new yellow Frangipani at the 15th roundabout, tidied up the tranquility garden at the 6th and also The Ladies Garden at the 13th and the dam edges, fertilised the mandevilla plants in the wedding garden. 

We enjoyed morning tea of hot soup and some huge iced Chelsea buns - Thank you Chef Ranga!

We are gradually reducing the excess timber and rubbish from around the course and it is much improved from two weeks ago.


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