Monday, September 30, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 30th September 2013

F-Troop was a bit of a scramble for me as I was called on for emergency babysitting which put a spanner in the project work for me.

We had eleven volunteers today - Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer, Peter Martin, Garry Trigg, Warren Gray, Don Nicholls, Martin Gallagher, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Carolyn Buttsworth & Jan Martin.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Garry Trigg, Don Nicholls, Martin Gallagher trimmed back and removed camphor Laurels at the back of the 3rd  & 5th tees.

On request the greens committee apparantly gave permission for some small dead trees at the 3rd black tees to be removed assuming the assessment of them being dead was correct.  Unfortunately one of these trees was not dead - but in winter recession.  It was cut off at ground level and completely ruined by ignorance and incorrect assessment. No reference was made to me prior to the removal of these trees. This tree has been grown from a fledgling baby and was finally settling in to show some growth and shape.  My appologies go to Julie Hazzard who donated this special rare tree to us and it is one that we(the gardeners) have taken extra care of for several years.  Sorry Julie!!!!  We will try to replace it if we can track one down.

Peter Martin & Warren Gray were on rubbish pickup and there was plenty of that. Peter also repaired the watering system at the 18th tee.

Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Carolyn Buttsworth did a general clean up and watering around the clubhouse, car parks, out on the course and various tees and the bush toilet area.

With Joel & Emily under wing I managed to plant out some Marguerite Daisies at the 4th and some more Lavenders at the 16th.  These plants were donated by Brian & Lesley Gregory.  Thanks Brian & Lesley!

Morning Tea this morning was some nice iced buns which we appreciated.  Thanks Chef John!

The Course is looking good in spite of all the hot weather and wind.  There was a lot of loose timber down this week to be collected and thank heavens we have some volunteers that are good enough to chip in for this task - This is one of the most important aspects of the course - keeping it clean of debris.  An almost impossible task to have a pristine course given the type of trees that we have fostered - however full marks to our loose timber removalists.


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