Sunday, February 21, 2010

CCWGA Open Day at Gosford - Monday 22nd February 2010

It was an incredibly hot day for golf today. I believe the temperature got to 38 degrees and we certainly did feel it out on the course. Thankfully there was some breeze in the afternoon to get us through.
Todays Event was the Central Coast Womens Golf Association Open Day which was held at Gosford. There were two shotgun starts to accommodate all the players wishing to participate.
The 7.00am group got the early dewy part of the day but were spared part of the heat.
My team was in the 12.00pm shotgun group and my playing partners were Christine Drakeford, Mary Beard and Jan Walker. We hit of the 10th tee which was a handy start tee. We did have some good highlights throughout the day with Mary getting 3 pointers at the 1st, 5th, 9th ; Jan had 3 pointers at the 9th and 16th; Christine had 3 pointers at the 5th, 6th & 7th; I had good long putt at the 4th into the hole, a 3 pointer at the 9th and a 4 pointer at the 17th. Norma Cubis had a great birdie at the 6th. I was not able to get around all the groups to gather the rest of the highlights.
The team of Wendy Stapleton, Lorraine Linnert, Sheena Asken and Michele Martin were 3rd place winners in the afternoon group. WELL DONE GOSFORD GIRLS!
Attached is a copy of the results of the Afternoon Competition. You can click on the image to enlarge it to a better viewing size & you can print a copy or copy the file to your computer by using the 'page' option. Click your 'back' key to return to this page.
I am sorry I am not able to give your a copy of this mornings results as it was not available to me. Overall it was a very successful day with the District Committee arranging and organising a mid day BBQ for all the participants which was appreciated by all.

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