Monday, September 7, 2009

F- Troop Monday 7th September 2009

I did not have my camera to take images of the F-Troopers efforts today however much was achieved.

We had 10 of our regulars on deck. Those that I saw were Des Wilson, Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher, Geoff Bridge, Spencer Walklate, George Foster, Garry Trigg, Peter Martin and Arthur Verlander.

The troopers cut down some dead trees on the 6th fairway, removed rubbish and loose timber from around the course, re-mowed the area at the front street that was cleared last week, poisoned weeds along pathways and weed nuisance areas, rough mowed the course, carted and set up the water hose for me at the 6th, helped me to plant & clear the native garden on the 6th,
staked and protected some of the new trees around the course.

All the new grevilleas and native shrubs purchased for the native garden on the 6th were planted and watered in today. We made a start on clearing some of the weed from the garden but have more work to do there yet. This garden will probably take two years to mature but will have some spectacular colour when all the grevilleas come into bloom.

The greenstaff transported some sandstone rocks to the ladies tee at the 3rd where I will be setting up a new garden of succulent plants. I hope to have this garden completed before the inspection day for the garden competition which is only weeks away.

Many thanks to our troopers for their efforts today.


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