Sunday, March 9, 2014

F-Troop - Monday 10th March 2014

We had a beautiful day to work on our F-Troop projects.

There were eleven volunteers all up which included Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Warren Gray, Garry Trigg, Peter Martin, Jan Martin, Di Beechey & Carolyn Buttsworth.

The boys were busy all morning doing further work to the drain along the school fence and removed a dead tree from the 10th.  The course generally did not look too bad so a rubbish removal was put on hold until next week.

Peter and Don fixed the leaking hoses and pipes at the 1st and 10th and checked the watering system worked as well as helping the boys at the drain.

Di Beechey and Carolyn Buttsworth had the noble task of looking after the Ladies Pennant Team who were having morning tea in the wedding garden after their drill was finished.  Di & Carolyn cleaned up the area and set it up for the Morning Tea.  They also watered the pot plants and cleaned out the gazebo which was one less task for me.

My time was spend pottering at half speed watering and tidying up at the 1st and the 10th, cleaning the bush toilets and surrounds, watering at the 14th, the bike garden, potted lavenders at the 4th, pot at the 9th, cleaning the steps at the ladies 3rd tee. Then I made the mistake of going over to check how Nigel was going at the 13th dam.  He had done a fantastic job working on his own on the steep banks of the dam.  It is starting to look so neat and tidy that he embarrassed me into tidying up the 13th tee garden which got a lick and a promise. That area is getting really pretty with all the water lilies out in flower we should make an effort to keep it pristine at all times.  It has been a long time since I took any notice of the Ladies garden which does need attention and unfortunately I missed the first flowering of the Ivory Curl Tree which has just decided that it will finally get a growth spurt.

We had a massive morning tea waiting for us with some Scones, Jam and Cream from Chef John, and some cakes and slices from Carolyn & Di which was appreciated by all,  Thanks Chef John, Di & Carolyn!

 After morning tea I picked up some rubbish that was left at the big hedge and Peter took the untidy growth off of the big hedge.

One word of warning - a large black snake was spotted on the 5th fairway area on Sunday afternoon. Be careful when scratching around for your golf ball in the rough areas. Make your presence obvious to the snake and it will move away.


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