Sunday, December 8, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 9th December 2013

Another very busy morning for our F-Troopers on a very hot day.

We had eleven volunteers and managed to get some good projects done.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Garry Trigg, Peter Martin. Warren Gray, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin.

The boys first project was to help the greens staff lay down a new gravel path at the 13th.  It was a big job as the path had been widened and lengthened.  Rob Benson took on the task of cleaning down the side fence poles which was quiet a chore.  The path was completed as far as possible but is now waiting on another supply of gravel for the finishing touches.

Peter Martin, Garry Trigg and Warren Gray did some pick up around the course and there were a few large branches down after last week's wind storm.

Di Beechey cleaned up the car park and then attacked the Front Street Garden removing a lot of the grass plants that are now obsolete.  Anne Burgess did some work on Camellia Way and planted in a new camellia as well as helping Di in the Front Street Garden.

I did the Bush Toilet maintenance, watered all the potted plants, tidied up the wedding gazebo, checked the water feature water, weeded the wedding garden, cleaned up sticks at the 1st and 10th tees and helped Di with the Front Street Garden.

Morning tea was very welcome as we had all worked up a thirst. Some nice Iced Buns went over well - Thanks Chef John!

The Front Street Garden will be a work in progress for a while as it is a challenging very large area that will require some hard yards to complete.


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