Sunday, October 13, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 14th October 2013

We had a good day for F-Troop with the temperature at a more pleasant level and the wind factor not as bad as yesterday.

We had thirteen volunteers which was great as the work load today was at a high level.  On hand we had Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Duncan Dyer, Garry Trigg, Rob Benson, Warren Gray, Peter Martin, Martin  Gallagher, Geoff Bridge, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Carolyn Buttsworth & Jan Martin.

The major project of the day was the trimming of the large hedge at the clubhouse.  Over the years the hedge has gradually been allowed to grow taller between haircuts until it reached the point that the Pro Shop could not see the 1st or the 10th tees which they need to be able to do.  Our tree gang of Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher and Geoff Bridge picked up the challenge and with the help of Garry Trigg, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Carolyn Buttsworth the hedge was given a good haircut and the off cuts were raked up and taken away.  It was a huge job well done by all. The hedge will recover and look much better for its ordeal.

Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Carolyn Buttsworth cleaned up the car park, BBQ area and removed old grasses in the front footpath area as well assisting with the hedge clean up.

Warren Gray & Rob Benson did another huge job on rubbish pick up - after all that high wind we have had over the last couple of weeks.  Five trailer loads were collected from the course with another 3 trailer loads picked up by Peter Martin.  The course was full of loose timber so they did a great job of making a dent in it.

Trevor Harrison & Don Nicholls fixed broken fences at the 18th as well as chipping in with support work.

I spent the day at the 14th bush toilet area cleaning out the drain and planting in Agavi plants and Agapanthus to create a new look there.  We unfortunately could not get the road base down on the path today so it is still work in progress with more plants yet to go in.

Morning tea was huge muffins and very welcome after our hard mornings work. Thank you Chef John!

Hopefully we will not get too much in the way of high winds as it takes up such a large amount of our time continuously picking up branches week after week.  One of the hazards of having  tree lined course.



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