Sunday, March 24, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 25th March 2013

After so much hot weather heat stress is showing in the gardens so we had to pull out the hoses for the first time since the big wet.

We had nine volunteers today and managed to get two big projects done as well as some good maintenance work.  We had Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Warren Gray, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin (Anne and I both carrying late notes).

Over the weekend a large branch had fallen at the 16th so Duncan, Geoff & Warren were dispatched to take care of that chore.

Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls and Peter Martin worked on the Air Conditioner Roofing project and were assisted by Duncan & Warren after they had finished with the fallen branch.  This was a big project and was finished in good time by our experts.  The Roofing material was donated by Sam Knox - Thanks Sam!

Peter Martin & Warren Gray also found time to do a loose timber and rubbish pick up.  We were a little restricted around the course today because of the Super Seniors Pennants matches being played at Gosford.

Di Beechey had a very busy morning working solo for the most of it as I put in a very late appearance.  Di trimmed the shrubs in the front gardens which was quite a big project.  Anne was able to kick in for a short while and I mostly did garden watering in the front gardens, wedding gardens and 1st and 10th tees, fertilized the heat stressed Tibouchina Jazzies at the 10th tee, dead headed the roses. We planted three new gardenia plants in the front garden to complete that project.

Morning Tea was some huge iced buns - Thanks Chef John! and these were topped up with some cupcakes made by Di Beechey.  We were spoilt today.

We could do with some nice slow showers - overnight and  outside of golfing hours of course!


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