Monday, July 29, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 29th July 2024


F-Troop Morning Tea - Dave Medcalf, Kevin O’Brien, Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin, Laurelle Freeman,Carolyn Buttsworth, Don Nicholls, Leeanne Binns, Duncan Dyer, Sam Knox and Rob Benson (Jan Martin).

Garden at the Men’s 15th Tee weeded, including removing of blueberry bush and rogue palm trees and ready for planting recycled bromeliads.

F-Trooper Rob Benson’s Ute piled high with loose timber and rubbish from the course

Agave plants from the 2nd green garden - advertised on marktet Place and they were gone two hours later.

Another cold start to the morning but that did not deter us.

On hand we had Sam Knox, Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, Dave Medcalf, Leeanne Binns, Laurelle Freeman, Carolyn Buttsworth, Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were loose Timber and rubbish pick up around the course, tree maintenance, tidy up of wood yard, repair of yellow garden cart, clean up at the 17th to 18th path where the cockies have been trimming the trees at will and leaving a mess, planting in of two new frangipani trees at the back of the practice nets garden, weeding at the 4th tee gardens, weeding of the large garden at the Men’s 15th Tee including removal of invasive blueberry and rogue pine trees, a start made of the planting in of the recycled bromeliads from the 2nd green garden, transfer of Agave plants cut from the second green garden to the front of the clubhouse, delivery of firewood, dead heading the large streletzia at the front of clubhouse gardens.

After a very busy morning we all appreciated our morning tea of fresh sandwiches and thankfully some sunshine.

We advertised the Agave plants for free on Marketplace at morning tea and they were gone bar two of them two hours later. I now have orders for 10 more large agave plants which will allow us to thin out our plants that are getting too big.

A reminder to members - we still have a lot of bromeliads left over so take what you want from the 15th garden.


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