Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 With the amount of rain that has fallen, it has left the course in a very poor state. The green staff have advised me that they are unable to properly prepare the course for this weekend. They have been unable to get machinery out to cut rough and are struggling to fix all the bunkers. Due to the condition of the course carts will not be available over the weekend.

I have therefore decided that it would be best for the club championship to be postponed until September. We will hopefully see some fine weather and the August winds should dry the course out. 

The championships will now be held on Saturday 7th, 14th, 21st and 28thSeptember.

This Saturday will now be a stableford event off the white tees and as mentioned no carts will be available.

JUNIORS - Please note that the junior championships for 2024 will remain the 18th & 19th of July. If any junior would still like to compete in the Club Championships for 2024 in their respected grades they are more than welcome to do so.

Bob Thomas


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