Monday, July 20, 2015

F-Troop - Monday 20th July 2015

F-Troop - Peter Martin, Don Nicholls, Trevor Harrison, Warren Gray, Mark Stimpson, 
John Holebon, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien (Jan Martin)

Ground preparation by F-Troopers Kevin O'Brien and Trevor Harrison at the green space area
At the 14th Bush Toilets

Agapanthus donated by Alan and Marianne Lanham - enough to fill in the garden space

The green space is getting greener.

The course was wet today which made it difficult to get heavy machinery out on the course. In addition to that the Ladies District Foursomes were being played at Gosford.

We did have a lot of our members away on holidays - on hand today were Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Kevin O'Brien, Warren Gray, Peter Martin, John Holebon, Geoff Bridge and Jan Martin.

Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien and Peter Martin helped to collect Black Pantha agapanthus donated by Alan and Marianne Lanham, and then prepared the soil at the green space area at the Bush Toilets so that I could begin to get the agapanthus planted in. We were given a whole trailer full of plants which will help to fill in the green space. The boys then packed the trailer and delivered a load of firewood.

Warren Gray and Don Nicholls took charge of rubbish clean up around the course.

John Hollebon worked at the petition between the Wedding Garden and the practice nets repairing damaged timber and then trimmed some of our shrubs in the front garden.

Morning tea of assorted savoury and sweet breads and cakes - Thank you Barto!

After morning tea Trevor, Kevin, Geoff and Peter loaded the trailer with firewood for another delivery through the week and I planted out some more agapanthus.


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