Sunday, June 9, 2013

F- Troop - Monday 10th June 2013 - Public Holiday

Being a Public Holiday today was an unofficial F-Troop day for those that were keen enough to put in some hard yards.

We had Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin, Sam Knox,  Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Jan Martin, Martin Gallagher & Duncan Dyer to work through some projects.

Duncan Dyer & Martin Gallagher delivered firewood orders.  On this subject there was an error in the telephone number on this month's newsletter for the ordering of firewood.  Please contact Martin Gallagher for your firewood orders and his number is 0415152364. My apologies to anyone that was inconvenienced.

Trevor Harrison & Peter Martin have completed the painting of the parking spots in all the car parks bar a few that they could not get access to. They have also measured up the new gardens at the 14th green for edging boards.

Sam Knox delivered a trailer load of donated plants and helped us to plant in some of the Japanese Box plants and worked on a plan to develop the new 14th garden and a place for the donated elkhorn plant.

 Di, Anne & I worked on planting out the Japanese Box plants,  re-arranged some of the hedge plants at the 10th tee, split up some of the donated Bromeliad plants to go into the 18th garden, tidied up the 18th garden area and planted in the Bromeliads, tidied up the car parks and the BBQ area, planted some new plants in the Tranquility Garden at the 6th tee and tidied up the garden at the Ladies 3rd tee.

We did manage to have a nice morning tea - Thanks to Scottie at the Pro Shop.

The donated plants were very much appreciated - especially the 6 advanced Japanese Box plants as we had lost a few in the hedges at the 1st and 10th and the putting green.  The Bromeliads will be put to good use in our shade gardens We have also received some beautiful advanced ficus trees that will require some very large pots.  If anyone has any large pots that they can donate to us it would be very much appreciated as none of our existing pots are large enough to house the large advanced plants. A big "Thank You" to Sam Knox for collecting these plants and delivering them to us.


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