Monday, October 20, 2008

F-Troop - Monday 20th October 2008

Now I ask you - HOW GOOD IS OUR F-TROOP?
Today we had 13 workers on hand - Warren Gray, Spencer Walklate, Duncan Dyer, Peter Martin, Des Wilson, Neil Hancock, Garry Trigg, George Foster, Yvonne Wilson, Alvin Kan, Di Beechey, Martin Gallagher (pre-work organizer) and myself.
Today's effort was exceptional with some extra effort required from all our participants to remove a large pine tree that had been struck by lightning on Sunday night.
Martin Galligher started the team off early in the morning before needing to leave for his paid occupation.
The team, led by Duncan Dyer & his trusty chain saw, did the most impressive job of bringing down & removing a huge pine tree between the 13th & 7th fairways. I was in awe of their expertise - the tree came down to expectations & it was removed from the fairway with a lot of effort from Duncan Dyer & Peter Martin on chainsaws (Martin Gallagher was otherwise occupied at his paid work), Neil Hancock, Des Wilson & Spencer Walklate together with the bobcat manouvered by our trusty ground staff.
In addition to that Duncan Dyer and his team brought down a large nuisance Camphor Laurel on the right hand side of the fairway & removed it very efficiently.
Peter Martin & Des Wilson & myself dedicated ourselves to some raking up on the 7th fairway, the 7th tee. It was at that time that I noticed fresh wood splinters on the ground when we were working. Like Hansel & Gretal I followed the woodchips to the upper branches of a tree (photo attached) and realised that a large pine tree had been hit by lightning and it had split from the base of the tree to it's uppermost trunk (some 30 foot or more). We called Duncan Dyer's attention to it & he could see it from the other side of the fairway. We declared the tree absolutely dangerous - in windy conditions it would have collapsed. Duncan called the troops together ordering ropes and an extra chain saw. The troops rallied and you can see the results on the photos. Stirling job guys. I was impressed & I think a lot of the members should be. The savings in time alone of the greenkeeping staff makes you worth your weight in gold. Thanks guys!
Other great work today was the cleaning up along the 6th fairway gutter & surroundings right along to the 14th tee. Peter Martin, Di Beechey & Warren Gray did a fantastic job. I have never seen that area looking better. Warren Gray & Peter Martin did a great job on the rubbish removal to the dumping area.
Des & Yvonne Wilson, together with some energetic digging from Alvin Kan prepared the 15th tee planning for the future planting of "Bird of Paridise" plants. Des & Yvonne did some fertilizing and watering of their adopt-a-gardens.
Garry Trigg did some hard yards on the rough cutter & was still working well past the morning tea bell. Thanks Garry - great job!
As I stayed mainly in the one area today I may have missed some of our workers for which I appologise if that happened.
I have some acknowledgements to make to our members who are very generously assisting by donating plants that are required for our garden beautification. Wayne Tomkinson has impressed me no end by donating the six "Jules" Laciandras (Tibouchinas) that we required to complete the Wedding Garden. In addition to that he has donated 100 petunia plants to replace the pansies in the front walkway gardens for the summer months. In addition to that Wayne has donated some more plants required for the BBQ garden. Thank you Wayne. With a this combination of member participation WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
We have got some further donations in the making one of which is some "Kangaroo Paws" for the 6th Native Garden.
Martin Gallaher & I have prepared a list of trees, shrubs, hedges, plants and native grasses that would be suitable for our Golf Course. If anyone feels inclined to donate a plant/plants & would like to choose from that list - you would be most welcome. Don't forget that you can stock up now for next winter by buying our pre-cut and bagged timber. Tell all your friends that have wood fires. - only $10 per bag going towards our course beautification.
As most of you would be aware we did make the finals of the Gosford City Garden Competition for the more than 1000 sq metres gardens and also the Best Theme Garden. That was against some pretty fierce competition. Next year we plan on taking out the big prizes.
With the new fairway system in place it is now getting possible to get water to places that were previously not available to town water. We need some more volunteers for the Adopt-A-Garden Scheme now so that each of the new furbished gardens can get the TLC that they deserve.
Next Monday the F-Troop cannot work on the course - so the plan is that we clean up along the front fenceline of the course (Racecourse Road) from the front entrance right through to the second tee - both inside and outside of the fence. This is quite a big job and will require as many hands on deck as possible as the area is quite substancial. We are always looking for more volunteers - so come along and lend a hand - even if it can only be for a few hours.
Every little bit helps - and YES! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Images attached: Photos one, two & three are Duncan Dyer & his team removing the camphor Laurel tree on the 13th - Garry Trigg on the rough cutter in th background; Peter & Des raking on the 7th; photos of the wood chips on the ground & in the branches which led to the discovery of the damaged tree; various photos of the tree split by lightning from the base to the top of the tree; various photos of the tree being chainsawed and removed; Garry Trigg on the rough cutter; the cleaned gutter on the 6th; the cleaned path on the 7th tee; the bobcat making work easy; cleaned gutter leading to the 14th.

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