Sunday, April 23, 2017

F-Troop - Monday 24th April 2017

F-Troop Morning Tea -
Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Terry Coyle, John Hollebon,
Peter Martin, Geoff Bridge, Mark Stimpson, Di Beechey,
Steve Hogg, Duncan Dyer ( Rob Benson, Anne Burgess, Jan Martin)

Front garden near the clubhouse mulched

F-Troop Mark Stimpson trimming the front hedges
that have recovered very quickly from their severe pruning

Hedge at the 4th Tee weeded, trimmed and sprayed

Native Garden at the 6th Tee given a trim

A new support for the white mandevilla in the
6th tranquility garden

We had another nice day for working on our F-Troop projects today.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Rob Benson, Geoff Bridge, Steve Hogg, Terry Coyle, Don Nicholls, John Hollebon, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess & Jan Martin.

We were busy all day working on various jobs including delivering two loads of firewood, mulching the gardens outside the clubhouse, tidying gardens and watering where necessary, maintained some of the hedges, cleaned up along the out of bounds fence at the 18th, rubbish and loose timber pick up all around the course,  weeded, trimmed and sprayed the hedge at the 4th tee, cleaned the bush toilets & watered the gardens there, watered the pots at the 6th tee, sprayed the hibiscus plants at the back of the 5th green, sprayed the mandevilla plants at the 6th tee and the 9th ladies tee garden, added a support for the white mandevilla at the 6th tee, trimmed some of the yesterday, today and tomorrow shrubs on the 6th tee, watered the bike garden, watered the 9th ladies tee garden, sprayed the mandevillas in the wedding gazebo and watered the pots there, swept out the wedding gazebo.

Morning tea was very welcome after a hard mornings work and gave the boys some energy for their second delivery of timber.


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