Monday, May 13, 2013

F-Troop Monday 13th May 2013

We had a very productive F-Troop Day even though we only had a small crew (could have been something to do with the live coverage of the Golf???)  we did get two very good projects finished.

We had Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Peter Martin, Sam Knox,  Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin to share the load.

Trevor, Geoff and Rob did a fantastic job of finishing off the garden shade arbor at the 14th tee.  They removed the potted plants, re-positioned the seat to the middle of the arbor, replaced the pavers and trimmed the slats on the top of the arbor.   This project is now complete and waiting for the vine to grow over to create some shade for next summer.

Peter Martin was on pick up duty with the help of the boys after they finished the arbor.

Sam Knox did some wood splitting to build up our supply of firewood. - Thanks Sam!

Di Beechey cleaned up the car park and the BBQ garden, weeded, placed down the weed matting and mulched the garden at the 15th roundabout, tidied up the olive trees and the lavender garden and then helped me to weed the garden at the 10th tee.  The 15th garden projects are now completed.

Anne Burgess tidied up the hedges after they had been trimmed, tidied up the water feature, treated the roses with white oil and tidied up around the 1st and 10th tees.

I managed to get most of the small hedges trimmed around the 1st and 10th tees, helped Di with the weed matting and mulching at the 15th garden, helped with the mulching at the 14th tee; weeded and trimmed the garden at the 10th tee. During the week the putting green gardens got hedged & trimmed and the back gutters cleaned out.

We really appreciated morning tea of fruit pastries fresh from the oven - Thanks Chef John!

We have got some more projects lined up for next week and keep working on our maintenance work which keeps the course nice and tidy.

The firewood sales orders are starting to come in so be sure to secure your order while we have still got quality wood supplies.


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