Sunday, January 15, 2012

F-Troop - Monday 16th January 2012

We had an outstanding day at F-Troop today.  Considering it rained on and off all morning we achieved great things.

We had 10 volunteers prepared to work through bad weather and we managed to accomplish far more than I thought we would.  There were very heavy showers at times when we thought we would have to call it a day.
Fortunately none of us are made of sugar and the work was done.

We had Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Peter Martin, Bruce White, Des Wilson, George Foster, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin.

Duncan Dyer, George Foster and Des Wilson took on the building of the storage area security gates which is a huge task.  They worked hard all morning and managed to get the framework completed & up.

Peter Martin, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Rob Benson, Bruce White, Anne Burgess worked with me at the 16th and we managed to get the "Lavender Way" garden completed against all the odds.  The soil was cleared of weed and turned over for aeration, the garden edges were measured and put in place with great accuracy.  After morning tea Peter, Geoff, Martin & Anne helped me to plant out all of the lavender plants into the garden. I was very impressed with the effort they put in to get this garden finished today.
Well done Troopers!
Phase 1 of "Lavender Way" is now complete.
The gardens at the 16th "soften" the stark look of the path & tee and will look and smell beautiful when they burst into flower.

Morning tea was very much appreciated as we had worked ourselves almost to a standstill.  We enjoyed fruit pastries from the Club Kitchen - Thank you Andrew!

We planted out some more Mondo Grass at the wedding garden that was donated by Martin Gallagher.
Martin also repaired the hedge plant at the 18th parking area that had been accidentally broken during the week.  I have noted another broken hedge plant at the front steps caused by some careless "big foot".

The course was very wet from continuing rain - not good for golf but good for planting out new plants.

We had some good news today that The CENTRAL COAST LEAGUES CLUB GOLF CLUB have donated $100 to F-Troop in appreciation for the work that we do on the course.  That is just fantastic!
Thank you so much for your support.  Thank you also to the continued donations arriving in our donation box at the Pro Shop.  With the sale of some of our Timber this week and the cash donations we have received thus far we can make a start on purchasing some plants for the new garden at the 1st and 10th tee.

We hope all the Members and Players on our course continue to enjoy the improvements that we make.


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