Monday, September 19, 2011

F-Troop - Monday 19th September 2011

We had an incredibly good day at F-Troop with teamwork working at it's best.  We only had a very small crew today as many of our regular workers are away for various reasons.

Sam Knox, Bruce White, John Coddington, Peter Martin, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Georgina Lamb & Jan Martin made up the whole crew for today and we achieved great things at the 15th garden.

Sam Knox (one of our members) has very generously donated to the club a mature Pony Tail Palm, a beautiful sandstone birdbath and garden seat.  In addition to the donations he used his two trailers and with the help of F-Trooper Di Beechey managed to get two loads of mulch and transport all of the items to the course this morning so that we could put everything in place.  Di Beechey also donated to the club two mature potted plants for the wedding garden.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH SAM & DI.  Your generosity is much appreciated.

Bruce & John did a timber & rubbish pick up and then joined the rest of us at the 15th as we had a full mornings work there.  With the help of two of the ground staff we managed to get the Pony Tail Palm happily into place and then installed the bird bath.  After spreading out the original two loads of mulch we went back to collect another two trailer loads to finish off the garden.  We were fortunate to find a bobcat worker there who helped to load some of the mulch for us which was a big help.

We managed to get the garden fully mulched and the plants & bird bath watered in before morning tea which we had thoroughly earned by then.   Morning tea was giant muffins which we all enjoyed. Thanks Chef John!

After morning tea Sam Knox removed a shrub stump & roots from the garden at the ladies 10th tee so that we can install the sandstone garden seat next week.  We placed the potted plants at the wedding garden where we would like to secure them into bigger pots.  We are looking for donations of two suitable pots that are large enough to cope.  Please see me if you can help.

Peter Martin ran the drinks cart around for the AHA social players playing on the course today.

Anne Burgess placed some new tree guards on her camellia garden at the 18th.

Di Beechey, Georgina Lamb & I cleaned and washed out the toilet block at the 14th.  Underneath the clubhouse was given a sweep, the 1st tee cleaned up & hosed down & the gardens watered.

I think you will all agree that the 15th garden really does look fantastic with today's improvements.


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