Sunday, March 6, 2022

F-Troop Monday 7th March 2022.


F-Troop Morning Tea - Kevin O’Brien, Peter Martin, Duncan Dyer, Nigel Asken, Trevor Harrison, Ron Gowing, Paul Smith, Don Nicholls, (John Hollebon, Frank Potter,Jan Martin, Sam Knox)

Soil replaced at the rock wall garden after a wash out.

Agave plants removed from Racecourse Road fence line. This was to make way for the new council cycleway. There are too many plants re re-home on the course so if anyone wants some for their gardens let me know. The sizes range from mature, large, medium, small and baby size. (The cost a bomb to buy them from a nursery)

Luckily the rain held off this morning which allowed us to get our 3 hours in without being washed out.

On hand we had Sam Knox, Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Frank Potter, Nigel Asken, Peter Martin, Don Nicholls, John Hollebon, Ron Gowing, Paul Smith and Jan Martin.

The course was super wet so we all worked up around the clubhouse doing various tasks cleaning up after the rain.

Projects worked on today was a big clean up behind the clubhouse, hedge maintenance, rubbish pick up around the clubhouse, tidy up of the stone wall garden at the back of the men’s 10th tee, tidy up of the paths in front of the clubhouse, putting green area, 1st and 10th tees, wedding garden and practice nets, removal of all of the agave plants planted along the Racecourse Road fence line in preparation for the council to work on the bike path, a start made on dead heading the roses at the practice green.

Morning tea of fresh sandwiches was much appreciated by all.


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