Monday, January 29, 2018

F-Troop - Monday 29th January 2018

F-Troop Morning Tea, Peter Martin, Ron Gowing, Trevor Harrison, Rob Benson,
Di Beechey, Duncan Dyer, Garry Trigg, Terry Coyle, Sam Knox, John Hollebon
Steve Hogg, Kevin O'Brien, Andy Henebury, Mark Stimpson, Jan Martin

Native Garden on the 6th Tee
looking better for some weeding

The hot and very humid weather continues so we were very happy to have 15 volunteers willing to help out today as we had many projects to work through.

On hand were Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Sam Knox, Kevin O'Brien, Rob Benson, Terry Coyle, Steve Hogg, Garry Trigg, Andy Henebury, Ron Gowing, Peter Martin, John Hollebon, Mark Stimpson, Di Beechey and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on were tree maintenance including removing a large fallen branch on the 11th fairway and cutting up of timber logs, new plants in the 4th hedge including watering in with seasol, gurney cleaned the wedding gazebo and cleaning up the Wedding garden including adding new soil to the Tibouchina garden, weeded the small garden at the 2nd green, weeded the 5th green garden, weeded, raked and watered the 6th tranquility garden, weeded the 6th native garden, raked the 7th tee, research on the new doors to be purchased for the bush toilet at the 14th, cleaning the bush toilets and watering the gardens there, raking up the bunya pines mess on the 16th and 17th, extensions to the garden watering system at the clubhouse gardens, cleaning the paths to the1st and 10th tees including the clubhouse area and the practice nets, watering the gardens at the Xanadu garden including the 1st and 10th tees, watering the pots at the 6th, bike garden, 9th ladies tee and 9th green.

After a very busy morning we all appreciated our morning tea which was very welcome - Thanks Barto for your continued support.


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