Sunday, June 26, 2016

F-Troop - Monday 27th June 2016

F-Troop Morning Tea - Paul Scholberg, Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Steve Hogg, Terry Coyle, Mark Stimpson, Peter Martin, Rob Benson, Geoff Bridge, Kevin O'Brien, Di Beechey, Don Nicholls, (John Hollebon, Jan Martin)

Celebrating Paul Scholberg's Birthday

Celebrating Terry Coyle's Birthday.

Winter chill set in this week and credibly we had twelve volunteers turn up for F-Troop work this morning.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O'Brien, Geoff Bridge, Rob Benson, Terry Coyle, Steve Hogg, Peter Martin, Don Nicholls,  John Hollebon, Di Beechey and Jan Martin.

The tree gang of Duncan, Trevor, Kevin, Geoff and Steve did under cutting and removed dead branches from the trees before loading the ute with firewood.

Rob and Terry were kept busy on pick up duty around the course.

Peter and Don took care of purchasing plumbing supplies and did repairs at the 14th bush toilets and then dismantled parts of the old starters box.

John trimmed back the overgrown shrubs at the 8th tee.

Di cleaned up rubbish and leaves at the 2nd and around the clubhouse.

I worked at the 14th bush toilets, checked the hedge at the 7th and the 4th, tidied the 6th tranquility garden, replaced some of the succulent plants that had fallen out of the shoe garden at the 4th, tidied the tees at the 3rd and 5th, watered the bike garden and the garden at the ladies 9th tee, trimmed the shrub next to the streletzia at the 2nd tee, trimmed the damaged trees at the 17th dogleg, cleaned up some more Clivias at the 17th garden, pruned the roses at the putting green garden.

The day was not getting any warmer so we opted to have morning tea indoors where we could escape the cold.  Paul Scholberg and Terry Coyle were both celebrating their birthdays so the mandatory birthday candles were produced at morning tea.  We enjoyed our morning tea after a hard mining S work.

After morning tea Peter and Kevin delivered another load of firewood.


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