Sunday, August 21, 2011

F-Troop Monday 22nd August 2011

This Water Feature Garden was totally financed by
F-Troop timber sales

F- Troop work this morning was very rewarding - as the saying goes - "Many hands make light work" and we managed to achieve more than what was on my "to do" list for today. 

F- Troopers on hand were Duncan Dyer, Fred Middleton, Bruce White, Peter Martin, Des Wilson, Di Beechey, Ron Beechey, Anne Burgess, Yvonne Wilson, Jan Martin.

The boys prepared an area at the F-Troop shed for renovations to the sheds which required the removal of some trees at the back of the reserve.  This will give us more room to store our vehicles and work tools.
Afterwards the boys removed some shrub stumps for me at the 10th tee.

Di Beechey and Anne Burgess cleaned up the BBQ area and back carpark, replaced some tree guards at the camellias at the 17th  before helping me with garden work.  

Georgina, Di, Anne & myself worked on the gardens at the 17th - planting out some pink daisies (donated to us by Lesley & Brian Gregory) and weeded the whole garden at the 17th dog leg, the Butterfly Iris garden at the 14th, planted some new plants in the "Peace and Tranquility" garden at the 6th where the new garden feature has been secured, weeded the Tibouchinas on the 2nd; cleaned out the blocked drain at the 2nd; tidied the garden at the 2nd tee.  

Ron Beechey finished installing the water feature at the 1st and we had a "Grand Opening" before Morning Tea when the water feature was permanently switched on.  The water feature has a timer controlling the water flow.  This garden will look beautiful when we have done the finishing touches.

Yvonne Wilson has completed trimming the Hydrangeas, treating the gardens with fertilizers etc.  Yvonne also has taken on the responsibility for the potted plants under the clubhouse that have been badly in need of TLC.  After morning tea Des & Yvonne went out to maintain their gardens at the 3rd and 14th. 

Morning tea this morning was some delicious fresh (very large) scones with Jam & Cream....Yum! (photo attached) Our thanks to Chef John !  We had a couple of extra guests this morning - Geoff Bridge who has been off on sick leave (now recovering well) and Jan Walker who was on morning tea duty for the Charity Day being held at the club today.  It was nice to have them join us. 

We could not take any of our vehicles or heavy equipment out on the course today so we were restricted with our tree maintenance and rubbish pick up.  It has been so wet that we have been unable to get out on the course for any kind of maintenance apart from light gardening.  We did however still make inroads - reducing our "to do" list substantially.


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