Monday, December 22, 2008

F-Troop - Monday 22nd December 2008

Given that it is a mere three days until Christmas I was very impressed with the number of people that turned up for F-Troop duty today. We got through another huge workload moving almost 20 cubic metres on mulch out onto the 6th tee gardens, front entrance garden and part of the 15th tee garden. Super job F-Troopers.

The Troopers also finished off the timber edges around the gardens at the 6th tee and the difference in the appearance of this area is amazing.The Kangaroo Paws are planted and will look very nice along the front edge. Some nice new fresh native trees and perhaps some new hedging to "finish" the look. The edge along the creek is gradually being cleared of excess trees and rubbish.
By next year this hole will be looking superb.

Ray Presdee and Garry Trigg did a great job on the rough cutting; Martin Gallagher and Des Wilson took care of some low lying branches throughout the course; Peter Martin & Warren Gray picked up a lot of loose timber lying around the course among other things; Di & Ron Beechey spruced up the BBQ area, cleaned up around the first and 10th tees and watered the front entrance gardens; Robin Incoll helped me with the garden at the back of the putting green. Robin is going to adopt this garden as part of the Adopt-A-Garden scheme and she will look after it in the future - so that is one less job for me. Thank you Robin; Des & Yvonne Wilson did some watering and weeding at the 14th and 15th; I sprayed and trimmed the roses, raked up around the 7th and 1st tees and worked on the putting green and the garden behind, the rest of the crew moved and spread mulch and did some general pick up.

I am not sure how many F-Troopers we had there today but I do remember seeing Martin Gallagher, Des Wilson, Clyde Cruickshanks, Garry Trigg, Doug Incoll, Ray Presdee, Warren Gray, Ron Dekker, Peter Martin, Neil Hancock, Yvonne Wilson, Ron Beechey, Di Beechey, Geoff Bridge, Robin Incoll, Mark Stimpson and Arthur Verlander. That is eighteen people on deck to spread the workload. (I am sorry if I did miss anybody) . A super effort from F-Troop at the time of the year when we probably have plenty of other things that we should be doing. So once again YES! WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE!

Images attached: The F-Troopers taking a break at morning tea - provided by Jason Barton; clearing up at the 7th tee; working on the timber edges at the 6th; spreading mulch; yesterday I was presented with an end-of-year gift from the Lady Golfers - It is a"Sudoku" toilet roll - How good is that! They all know of my love of Sudoku Puzzles so that will take care of my "spare time".

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