Sunday, May 25, 2008

F-Troop Monday 26th May 2008

We were lucky to get great weather today for the F-Troop work. We had a good amount of volunteers and achieved quite a bit of work around the course. The main centre of attention today was the work being done to correct the drainage problem we have on the second fairway. As you can see by the bottom photo the excess water has now been diverted by pipeline into the dam which means a new source of water supply for us. If all goes to plan the fairway will be back in use tomorrow & nicely dried out soon if this good weather holds. It will be a relief to get rid of that boggy area in the middle of the fairway.

I did some watering at the putting green gardens to encourage the new plants to take & then scooped up enough water at the second tee drain to water the shade garden & new tibouchina tree.

The F-Troop were a great help to me today by placing down some mulch on the shade garden on the second tee & put in a garden border in a very short space of time. This saved me a heap of time so I could go on to the 13th & tidy up that area. As I mentioned earlier we are having trouble with the rabbits attacking the gardens at the 18th tee. As fast as we get the plants in the rabbits destroy them by eating down to the roots. As a tempory fix (until we can think of the next best thing to do) we have put up a plastic fence which we hope will at least discourage those very cute but pesky animals.

Anne Burgess was at the course today trimming some of the camelias & she has put some plastic around the bouganvillias in the hope that it will discourage the rabbits also.

The F-Troop boys also did some good work behind the first green - removing blueberry bushes, picking up rubbish and clearing drains. They also put some boards defining gardens and mulch against the hedge between the 10th & 18th.

Images attached: The F-Troopers mulching at the second tee; the rabbit discouraging plastic at the 18th; work being done on the 2nd fairway; water going into the dam from the water seepage on the 2nd fairway.
Thanks to Clyde Cruickshanks for his photo contributions.

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