Sunday, May 2, 2010

F-Troop Monday 3rd May 2010

We had 12 hard working F-Troopers on duty today and we managed to get through our projects
set down for today.
I saw Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Noel Fenning, Peter Martin, Warren Gray, Bruce White, Doug Incoll, Arthur Verlander, Georgina Lamb & Anne Burgess working hard out on the course.
Duncan, Martin, Geoff & Noel were dispatched to tree removal duties on the 17th.
Warren, Bruce, Doug & Peter were on sandbagging duty where they bagged 80 bags of loamy sand from the garden on the 1st tee & transported them to the bunker on the 15th where they have been placed as part of a water control project to stop water washing out the sand in the bunker. Eventually when this garden is draining properly via the grass garden that is going to be planted above the bunker then the sandbags will no longer be required. Meanwhile the sandbags have been deemed an integral part of the course so there will be no free drop if you are unlucky enough to find yourself there.
Georgina & I cleaned up around the wedding garden, 1st tee and front entrance to the tees.
After morning tea Martin, Peter, Geoff & I planted out the grove of olive trees on the 15th and a bay tree on the 13th.
Anne Burgess spent her morning at "Camellia Way" and was horrified to find that vandals had struck once again. This time plants including bougainvilleas, a camellia and a the "moonlight" grevillea had been uprooted and thrown away to die. This type of vandalism is so disappointing as it is senseless & disrespectful to Anne Burgess and the ladies who have donated these plants. Anne spends a lot of her private time looking after these gardens which have just began to show great promise. Shame on the person or persons who did this deed. We did manage to find the "moonlight" grevillea & Anne has replanted it - but it may be too late to save it.
Another shameful event last week was the removal of the toilet cistern from the Men's toilet on the 14th. One can only ask "Why" would anyone want to do that? I guess the reason is "because they can". Mindless creatures!
I noticed this week that all of our orchids have produced flower spikes so we can look forward to seeing some more beautiful orchids this year that I hope all the "mindless" people allow us to enjoy.
As an exercise this week I have made up a summary of the number of F-Troopers that we have working on the course throughout the week and have come up with 23 regular workers and 6 or so casual workers who come when they can. A big thank you to all our members who are very much appreciated.

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