Sunday, May 23, 2010

F-Troop - Monday 24th May 2010

We only had our "regular" regulars this morning to help out so we had to spread ourselves thinly to cope with the workload for today. There was a Ladies Pennants competition being played on the course so we had to keep clear of the busy fairways.
Today we had Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher, Geoff Bridge, George Foster, Warren Gray and Peter Martin so we split into two groups.
Duncan, Martin, Geoff & George took on tree removal duties outside of the practice area of the first fairway where there was nuisance trees and a dangerous tree to come down. These were proficiently cut & removed including all the excess rubbish removed to the dumping area.
Warren, Peter & I put on the gloves & rakes & cleaned up the fairways & rough ahead of the girls playing pennants. We started by cleaning up around the 1st tee and along the fairway & rough, continued on to the 2nd, picked up rubbish at the 3rd, raked & cleared at the 4th tee, picked up rubbish from the 6th tee, raked and cleared near the 12th green and the 13th tee, picked up rubbish from the 18th tee, trimmed the hedges and shrubs at the 2nd & raked along the left hand side of the 2nd fairway & fertilized the camellias along Camellia Way. It took us six loads to the dumping area to clear all the rubbish that we had collected off the course.
A fair days hard work was done by all.
Chef John had some ham & cheese croissants hot from the oven ready for us for morning tea which got a popular vote from us all. Thanks John!
This week marks the 3rd Anniversary of the completion of the "Ladies Garden" at the 13th tee.
3 years ago we won the "Best Commercial Garden" in the local garden competition with this garden when it was 3 months old. At the time that I was asked to complete this garden there was a lot of "doubting Thomas" with attitude who thought that this garden could not be achieved or would be a failure and were happy to be quite vocal about it. Other Members were very supportive and encouraging. I hope three years down the track I have been able to change how people view the gardens of this course & they may like to celebrate this moment with me. This garden also marks my first involvement with F-Troop now also three years old. I would like to acknowledge my fellow F-Troopers who have helped me constantly over the last three years & collectively we have achieved great things.

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