Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Golf - Tuesday 14th May 2024 - LADIES OPEN DAY


Ticket sellers Steve Thomlinson and George Foster


 2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place

5th Place

6th Place

7th Place

Scratch Winners

Tree down on the 5th fairway

Mushrooms enjoying the wet weather on the course

Beautiful autumn colours on the 8th

The course was open and we had blue sky and sunshine to enjoy our Open Day. We were allowed to take carts out on the course today provided we followed the white line to avoid causing damage to a very wet course.  It was a fun day even though it was hard to get a good score. 

My playing partners were Carolyn Buttsworth, Rhonda Robinson and Kay Baillie and we did have some good highlights - my best was a gobbler putt in on the 2nd. We won a ball each for our best effort.

The Golf Event of the day was a Stableford Team Event with the best two scores to count + Scratch winners.


We had 122 starters.

WINNERS: Glennis English, Leonie Casey, Narelle Fowler and Fiona Wales - 81 points

2ND: Gayna Harvey, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns and Barbara Pillans - 76 points

3RD: Jaeho Choi, Angelina Kim, Jihyoun Kassel and Aggie Lee - 75 points

4TH: Leonie Kelly, Kim Cardiff, Denise Bentlin and Sue Waugh - 74 points on a countback

5TH: Marianne Lanham, Sally Hopkins, Fay Bailey and Judy Ruitenberg - 74 points on a countback

6TH: Robyn Krahe, Soo-Young Ham’s, Helen Potter and Anne Burke - 74 points

7TH: Jan Fortelli, Karen Patterson, Robyn McGowan and Helen Fisher - 73 points

SCRATCH WINNERS: Di Thomlinson, Vicki Foster, Ann Baker and Kim Burke 

BALLS WENT TO: 65 points



MEMBER: Robyn Krahe

VISITOR: Linda Ball


MEMBER: Fiona Wales

VISITOR: Sally Hopkins


MEMBER: Gay Bryant

VISITOR: Sally Hopkins


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