Monday, May 27, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 27th May 2024


F- Troop Morning Tea - Rob Benson, David Medcalf, Don Nicholls, Carolyn Buttsworth, Lyn Bates, Kevin O’Brien, Leeanne Binns, Duncan Dyer, Sam Knox, Mick Grant, Peter Martin (John Hollebon and Jan Martin)

F-Trooper Leeanne Binns working on clearing weeds out of the garden near the concrete path in the practice area.

F-Troopers Lyn Bates and John Hollebon working on the Ladies Garden at the 2nd Ladies Tee

F-Trooper John Hollebon adding safety rails to the drain at the 2nd tee

Clean Up of the 2nd green fence garden by F-Troopers Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin with the help of F-Trooper Sam Knox who helped to remove the Sprouting Camphor Laurel trees.

We had 13 volunteers this morning which was a fantastic help towards working on our projects.

On hand were Sam Knox, Duncan Dyer, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, Mick Grant, David Medcalf, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, John Hollebon, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns, Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were LooseTimber and rubbish removal around the course (3 ute loads) cutting up and removal of fallen tree at the 5th fairway, firewood preparation, firewood delivery, cleaning up at the back of the clubhouse, weeding garden near the practice area, laying of pavers to level the garden seat at the 2nd Ladies garden including addition of plants and watering of garden, safety hoops placed around the open drain at the 2nd Tee, weeding of garden at the 2nd green fence garden including addition of new succulents and removal of sprouting camphor Laurel trees. 

Found in the garden of the 2nd green fence garden was a large brown snake skin (fortunately no snake)

We had a very successful morning working in nice sunshine  and enjoyed our morning tea of fresh sandwiches.


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