Monday, May 13, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 13th May 2024


F-Troop Morning Tea - Peter Martin, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Don Nicholls, Duncan Dyer,Sam Knox, Rob Benson, (Leeanne Binns, Lyn Bates, Jan Martin)

More progress made on the Ladies Garden at the 2nd Ladies Tee 

by F-Troopers Lyn Bates and Leeanne Binns

Clean up of the garden and gutter behind the clubhouse

Clean up of the drain at the back of the clubhouse

Garden at the front gates tidied

The recent wet weather caused us some problems today with no heavy vehicles or carts allowed on the course. However we can always find jobs off the course ie. behind the clubhouse or front of clubhouse gardens.

We had a good number of volunteers turn up today which was helpful for our projects given the wet weather problems we have had.

On hand we had Sam Knox, Duncan Dyer, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns, Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today was emptying the very full garden bins at the back of the practice nets, Loose Timber pick up on 9 holes by F-Trooper Rob Benson - Shanks Pony, cleanup of the drain at the back of the clubhouse, clean up of  gutter and garden rubbish from the back of the clubhouse, weeding and clean up of garden at the back of the clubhouse, tidy up of garden at the front entrance of the club, delivery of firewood, planting in of Mondo grass at the Ladies 2nd tee garden, installing the garden edge border fence at the front steps of the clubhouse.

Morning Tea of fresh sandwiches was very much appreciated after a hard mornings work.


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