Monday, May 20, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 20th May 2024


F- Troop Morning Tea - Duncan Dyer, Rob Benson, John Hollebon, Carolyn Buttsworth, Jan Martin, Sam Knox, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien ( Peter Martin, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns)

Bike Garden regenerated with new plants and a yellow paint job

Shoe Garden Pots on the Ladies 3rd Tee rejuvenated with a new paint job

Garden at the 2nd Ladies Tee - some additional features with new tiles and plants

Wheelbarrow garden at the Ladies 2nd Tee rejuvenated with some yellow paint and new plants

We had a nice day of sunshine for our F-Troop day today - although it was a very chilly start that kept our jumpers on.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Sam Knox, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, John Hollebon, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns, Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were Loose Timber and rubbish pick up around the course, firewood preparation and delivery, weed maintenance to the newly planted trees around the course, more work done on the 2nd Tee Ladies garden including laying of tiles, planting of new plants and painting of the wheelbarrow, painting of shoe planters at the Ladies 3rd Tee Garden, painting of the old bike on the bike garden on the 3rd fairway including planting in of new plants, final clean out of the front entrance garden including trimming of streletzias and removal of loose timber and rubbish that builds up in that garden.

We had a full mornings work and a great effort made by everyone.

We enjoyed our morning tea of fresh sandwiches and the sunshine.


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