Thursday, May 9, 2024

Golf - Thursday 9th May 2024


With Carolyn Buttsworth and Kevin O’Brien at the 3rd tee Hawks Nest

Carolyn Buttsworth trophy for winning A Grade Ladies today

Peter Martin - 3rd Place C Grade

Winners today at Hawks Nest - Jan Martin, Jan Walker, Neville Walker, Peter Martin (Jan holding Carolyn Buttsworth’s trophy for Winner of Ladies A Grade)

Hello from beautiful Hawks Nest ( even after rain)

We did have some rain overnight which made the course a lot wetter than we would have liked. The 8.30 am shotgun start was put back to 10.30 am shotgun start to allow the casual water to drain off. 

We had a beautiful weather day but we played on a much wetter course than Tuesday especially on the approaches to the green. The bunkers were still in pristine condition ( unfortunately I did find one) there were a few more wet patches but overall the course was in amazing condition. 

Our playing partners today were Kevin O’Brien and Carolyn Buttsworth. Carolyn excelled herself and came in winner of A Grade Ladies with 38 points. Peter Martin came in 3rd place in Mens C Grade: Jan Waker, Neville Walker and myself won a ball in our divisions.

Needless to say the girls beat the boys for the Keno ticket on the last hole.

Meanwhile at Gosford …..

there were no competition events. I believe that 7 ladies ventured out and it was not too bad.

I understand we have lost a tree at the 5th fairway due to water deluge. The same thing happened to a tree at Hawks Nest today at the 18th hole which had virtually rotted with the continued wet weather.

We hope tomorrow will be more positive.

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