Monday, June 3, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 3rd June 2024


F-Troop Morning Tea - Carolyn Buttsworth, Don Nicholls, Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin, Lyn Bates, Dave Medcalf, Leeanne Binns, Rob Benson, Bev Way ( John Hollebon, Jan Martin)

We had a chilly start to the day but it warmed up to a nice comfortable day. We were not allowed to take carts out on the course today so we worked our way around either by shanks pony or working at the front of the clubhouse.

On hand we had Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, John Hollebon, Dave Medcalf, Bev Way, Carolyn Buttsworth, Leeanne Binns and JanMartin.

Projects worked on were pick up of loose timber around the course by shanks pony, firewood delivery, firewood preparation, hedge maintenance, gardens weeding and mulching at the front of the Clubhouse gardens, leaf blowing of the back and front car parks, fertilising plants at the 18th and front of the clubhouse, maintenance of the water feature at the BBQ Garden, planting of the staghorn (from the 4th fallen tree) to the 18th garden, planting in of new Red Crown of Thorn Plants at the front of clubhouse gardens, weeding of the rock wall at the 10th tee, purchase of stabilising rods for the 2nd garden seat, gurney the front of the club and path to the pro shop, removal of weeds and planting in of new plants at the gardens at the back of the practice nets.

Overall we did a good mornings work considering our restrictions.

We enjoyed our morning tea of fresh sandwiches in some lovely warm sunshine.


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