Sunday, June 9, 2024

Challenge Cup Results - Sunday 10th June 2024

The Cup was played at Gosford today.

The Cup was won by Shelly Beach, 4 points clear of Gosford and a further 2 points back were Toukley. Everglades finished with 153 points and unfortunately had a card disqualified (not signed) which would have increased their score to 180 and bragging rights until next year.

Ladies over the field was won by Annette Duncan of Everglades with 36 points whilst the men's went to Kooindah's Josh Bousfield whose par round off scratch was good enough to hold off local Brett Ryan also on 36 points.

The graded prizes went to - ladies "A" grade - Stephanie Rapmund (KW) 33 pts.
                                             ladies "B"grade - Jenny Bennett (SB) 34 pts.
                                             ladies "C" grade - Lyn-Maree Plumb (Tou) 28 pts.
                                             men "A" grade - Gavin Higgin (Tou) 34 pts.
                                             men "B" grade - Brett Ryan (Gos) 36 pts.
                                             men "C" grade - Greg Rapmund (KW) 35 pts.

As soon as the trophies are completed we will liaise with the Captain's of the winning clubs re suitable dates/methods of presentations.

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