Monday, June 24, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 24th June 2024


F - Troop Morning Tea - Carolyn Buttsworth, Lyn Bates, Duncan Dyer, Leeanne Binns, Mick Grant, Rob Benson, Trevor Harrison (Peter Martin, John Hollebon and Jan Martin)

Garden at the 1st and 10th weeded, trimmed and mulched

F- Trooper Carolyn Buttsworth did her 10,000 steps today tidying up the gardens between the 1st and 10th tees

We had a very cold start to our morning today and it did not really warm up until we were soaking up some sun at Morning Tea.

We had 10 volunteers this morning which was very helpful towards getting some projects done with restrictions on moving vehicles or carts on the course.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Mick Grant, Peter Martin, Rob Benson, John Hollebon, Lyn Bates, Leeanne Binns, Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were tree maintenance at the 17th and 18th, firewood preparation, loose timber pick up around the course (shanks pony), weeding, trimming and mulching of gardens between the 1st and 10th tees, planting in new plants and tidying the Ladies gardens at the 2nd tee, weeding of gardens behind the practice nets, moving of mulch to the 1st and 10th gardens, hedging at the putting practice green.

We had a busy morning and appreciated our morning tea of fresh sandwiches in the sunshine.


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