Monday, June 17, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 17th June 2024


F-Troop Morning Tea - Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Peter Martin, Carolyn Buttsworth, Duncan Dyer, Sam Knox, (Lyn Bates and Jan Martin)

F-Troopers Peter Martin and Don Nicholls - taking a rest after mulching the 8th tee garden

Garden at the 8th tee weeded and mulched

F-Troopers Carolyn Buttsworth and Lyn Bates working on the Ladies garden on 2nd Tee

More work done on the Ladies Garden at the 2nd tee

We had a chilly start this morning for our first start back after the long weekend.

We had 10 volunteers and we managed to get a lot of work done today.

On hand we had Sam Knox, Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, Peter Martin, Don Nicholls, Carolyn Buttsworth, Lyn Bates and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were loose timber and rubbish removal around the course, tree maintenance and firewood preparation, mulching of garden at the 8th tee, more work done on the Ladies Garden at the 2nd tee including installing two new tyre gardens.


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