Sunday, July 7, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 8th July 2013

We had a great day at F-Troop this morning achieving some more good projects which was thanks to our twelve volunteers who turned up in spite of the freezing cold morning.

We had Trevor Harrison, Duncan Dyer, Rob Benson, Garry Trigg, Bruce White, Peter Martin, Warren Gray, Martin Gallagher, Zorro (Mark) Sorridimi, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher, Garry Trigg & Bruce White took down a dangerous branch of a tree at the Green Keepers Shed and packed firewood for deliveries.

Trevor Harrison, Zorro Sorridimi & Rob Benson worked on the road base for the front car park before helping out at the 14th garden and picking up loose timber around the course.

Peter Martin & Warren Gray did some rubbish pick up, picked up some garden soil for the 14th garden and helped with the planting in of the garden at the 14th.

Anne Burgess worked on Camellia Way tidying up the area, tidied up the Streletzia garden at the 15th, helped with the garden at the 14th & helped to plant in begonias (donated by Mary Bromwich) at the 18th garden and another trumpet plant at the 14th tee.

Di Beechey worked on planting in the new grasses at the 14th garden (transplanted from the BBQ garden). planted in the new Orange Jasmin plants (donated by Sam Knox) and transplanted the agapanthus to a new position, planted in some new plants under the front steps, planted in some new begonias at the 18th garden and the new orange trumpet plant at the 14th tee garden.

I worked on transporting the new plants for the 14th garden from the wedding garden area & helped with the planting in, new soil and watering in the garden, planted in some new Lavender Plants (donated by Brian & Lesley Gregory) in the Lavender Garden at the 16th tee.

Morning tea of giant muffins was very welcome by the troops who had thawed out by then.  Thanks Chef John!

Next week we will be finishing off the mulching of the 14th garden so that area will be completed and make some more progress with our other projects.



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