Sunday, October 6, 2013

F- Troop - Monday 7th October 2013

We had a great day for F-Troop work - it was a Public Holiday - but who is counting!

We had a good number of volunteers considering it was a long weekend so we made some solid in roads into some of our projects.

We had Trevor Harrison, Peter Martin, Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Di Beechey, Carolyn Buttsworth and Jan Martin.  We welcomed Geoff back to the fold after he had been on extended sick leave.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge and Martin Gallagher took care of tree trimming and tree removals around the course including some past their use by date near the 14th Bush Toilets.  They also trimmed up the stump at the 14th to level it to a usable size.

Trevor Harrison & Peter Martin put in a full mornings work laying down the path edges around the Bush Toilets in preparation for a gravel finish on the path.

Di Beechey, Carolyn Buttsworth worked with me at the 14th planting in some of the recently donated Agavi plants, transferring the orchid gardens into one larger garden, transfered plants out of the camellia garden and planted in some newly donated plants from Matt Snelson, fertilized and watered the gardens in addition to watering the wedding garden plants, BBQ plants, potted plants at the wedding garden, tidied up the carparks, tidied up the 3rd ladies tee, watered the plants at the 3rd tee and the bike garden as well as the 4th tee potted garden.

Morning tea was scrambled from the Pro shop and self service from the kitchen as the clubhouse was closed today.  We missed you Chef John!

We have recently received some good donations of plants  - A huge supply of Agavi Plants from Brian & Rhonda Chapman (who are not members of the club) and Matt Snelson gave us a good supply of shade plants and Lilly Pilly plants and some Agapanthus which we have put to good use already.  Thanks Matt!
We have also received some cash donations from Kerry Willliams and George & Vicki Foster which we will put to good use.  Thanks Kerry, George & Vicki.  Our Member support has been much appreciated.

We plan on turning the Bush Toilet area at the 14th into a lovely clean, green oasis area for our Members to admire.  We have made a start on it today - but keep watching this space for the improvements that are to follow.

A GOLD STAR today for F-Trooper Ron Beechey who managed to pull apart the water feature pump on the 1st tee, clean it up and get it back into working order.  We were very impressed because we thought we would have to buy a new pump - that has saved us $80/$90 in costs - Thanks Ron!!!!


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