Sunday, October 20, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 21st October 2013

We had plenty of projects on the go today to keep us busy.  With 13 volunteers on hand we were able to cover a large workload.

On hand we had Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Duncan Dyer, Rob Benson, Garry Trigg, Warren Gray, Martin Gallagher, Peter Martin, Geoff Bridge, Di Beechey, Anne Burgess, Carolyn Buttsworth & Jan Martin.

The major project of the day was trimming the hedge at the back of the 1st tee.  Duncan Dyer, Martin Gallagher, Geoff Bridge, Trevor Harrison, Garry Trigg & Don Nicholls took care of that job.

Warren Gray & Rob Benson did the loose timber pick up around the course.  Peter Martin & Garry Trigg also did some pick up jobs and did a good job clearing the rubbish pile at the back of the practice nets which had been building over a number of weeks.

The tree gang also did some undercutting including the tree at the 6th Tranquility garden.

Later in the morning Peter Martin, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls and Geoff Bridge transported the road base to the 14th and laid the gravel path around the toilet area.  This has improved that entry area enormously and will help to keep that area tidy. Trevor & Don also took care of a maintenance job on the pathway from the 9th green.

Anne Burgess watered gardens continuously as every garden is desperate for water.  Anne worked at the 18th, 16th lavender garden, BBQ garden, 15th, 6th and many areas in between.

Di Beechey & Carolyn Buttsworth also did some good watering projects at the wedding garden, 1st, 10th, 6th, 15th and many areas in between.  Di & Carolyn finished preparing the Wedding Garden for some more succulent plants which were donations from Bev Reynolds.  This garden is a work in progess which we have more to add to.

I worked at the 14th watering in the new plants and the other gardens in the area, watered & raked the 4th tee, watered and raked the 3rd and 5th tees, watered the bike garden, watered the golf shoe garden, watered the pots at the 1st and 9th; sorted out the succulent plants to be used at the Wedding Garden, planted in some more large Agavi plants at the 14th with the help of Peter, Trevor & Don.

Morning tea of Iced Buns was very welcomed by the F-Troopers as the day had warmed up quite a bit so we needed to be rejuvenated. Thanks Chef John!

My thanks to Bev Reynolds and Rhonda Chapman (who are not Members of our club) for their very generous donation of bulk succulent plants.  These plants have all been put to good use and help to maintain a good look for our course.

Through the week some red bark mulch was purchased to enhance the Wedding Garden area and two new Magnolia Trees were purchased for our front street garden.  These purchased were possible due to the very generous cash donations made by Anne & Adrian Burke, George & Vicki Foster and Kerry Williams. We also collected $37 in cash donations from our Donation Box in the Pro Shop.  Thank you very much Members.  Your support is much appreciated.


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