Monday, March 14, 2022

F-Troop - Monday 14th March 2022


F- Troop Morning Tea - Di Beechey, Adrian Burke, Kevin O’Brien, Trevor Harrison, John Hollebon, Nigel Asken, (Don Nicholls, Frank Potter, Rob Benson, Jan Martin)

Roses dead headed

Gardens weeded in front of the clubhouse

Triggy’s Tree on the 10th after a hair cut

We had 10 volunteers today which was a great result given three of our regular troopers are away on a golf tour.

The course was still wet with no carts or heavy machinery allowed on the course. We centred our projects again around the clubhouse/1st and 10th tee area with our more energetic members who walked to the dam and drain areas to work there.

On hand we had Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Don Nicholls, Rob Benson, Frank Potter, Nigel Asken, Adrian Burke, John Hollebon, Di Beechey and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were trimming the hedges at the 1st tee and 10th tee trimming of “Triggy’s “ tree at the 10th tee, cleaning out the dams and drain areas, filling in some pots holes on the paths,  weeding of gardens in front of the clubhouse and 7th, cleaning paths in front of the clubhouse including 1st and 10th tees, repair of clubhouse door, finished off dead heading roses at the putting green, emptying water logged potted plants, weed control in the gardens in front of the clubhouse.

We are hopeful of getting out on the course next week to continue our projects there.

We appreciated our morning tea of fresh sandwiches.


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