Sunday, February 21, 2016

F-Troop - Monday 22nd February 2016

There are no photos from F-Troop today as I was busy playing golf in the CCWGA Open Day.

We had 10 volunteers today which was a big help towards our biggest project replacing the fence wire along Racecourse Road.

On hand were Duncan Dyer, Peter Martin, Steve Hogg, Ron Beechey, Anne Burgess, Kevin O'Brien, Sam Knox, Trevor Harrison, John Hollebon, Terry Coyle

An important job for F-Troopers today was the control of traffic in the car park to ensure that all of our 144 lady golfers could find a car park in the parking areas. The F-Troopers were on the job just after six o'clock and monitored until all the lady golfers had arrived.

After that the F-Troopers concentrated on the fence replacement work which required about eight workers to be on hand to move the project smoothly.

The course was very busy with 144 players on shotgun start so our use of the course was very limited.

John Hollebon worked on hedge trimming at the 1st and 10th.

Sam Knox was busy taking care of wood splitting for this winter's firewood supply.

Di Beechey was early at the course to ensure that morning tea was set up for the ladies and everything else was in order before playing in the CCWGA Open Day.

Anne Burgess was on duty early to monitor the car park and tidy up the car park, BBQ area and underneath the clubhouse.

I was there early to ensure that the 14th Bush Toilet area was clean and tidy before playing in the CCWGA Open Day.

Morning Tea was provided by Barto and was much appreciated. Thank you Barto!

Next week the fence project will continue and we will be able to get back to rubbish pick up.


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