Sunday, March 1, 2015

F-Troop - Monday 2nd March 2015

F-Troop Morning Tea - Warren Gray, Trevor Harrison, Garry Trigg, Peter Martin, Duncan Dyer,
Don Nicholls, Geoff Bridge, Di Beechey, Jan Martin (Rob Benson)

Huge tree branch down in the car park which needed to be removed early to enable the car park 
to re-open

A lot of timber to be cut up and carried away

Branch spread extensively over the car park

F-Troop to the rescue early this morning

F-Troopers getting the work done this morning

What Tree? - job done!

Branches down - and this is just the Bush Toilet area at the 14th

Our resident water dragon keeping an eye on my work at the 13th dam

Gradually working my way through the weeds at the 13th.

BBQ gardens trimmed up by F-Trooper Di Beechey

A start made on the re-marking of the back car park

We knew that we had a big job on hand this morning so the F-Troopers were all on hand early to get the large branch cut up and removed.

We had 10 volunteers - Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Geoff Bridge, Garry Trigg, Rob Benson, Don Nicolls, Peter Martin, warren Gray, Di Beechey and Jan Martin.

The boys dealt with the branch and rotten tree in the car park and then packed the ute with a load of firewood and delivered it to an address in Narara.

Warren Gray and Rob Benson helped with the tree and then did some rubbish pick up around the course.

Peter Martin and Don Nicholls helped with the tree and then made a start on the re-marking of the parking area at the back of the clubhouse.

Di Beechey planted some new plants in the wheelbarrow in the grass garden at the 18th, trimmed the BBQ garden and tidied up under the clubhouse.

I worked out at the Bush toilet area cleaning up and picked up large branches and sticks, picked up loose timber near the roundabout garden at the 14th, did some more weeding at the 13th dam.

Morning Tea was again impressive - fresh scones, jam, cream and a selection of fresh fruit - Yum!
Thank you Chef Alice!

After morning tea the hoses and fittings at the front garden, wedding garden and the 1st and 10th gardens were fitted replacing the old hoses, the 1st and 10th garden area was tidied and pots watered, pots watered in the Gazebo.

Two new rakes have been purchased out of firewood sales to make our work easier.


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