Monday, May 20, 2013

F-Troop - Monday 20th May 2013

We had a chilly start to our morning's work but it soon warmed up with a bit of hard work.

We had eleven volunteers today which was good for a cool autumn morning.

On hand we had Trevor Harrison, Rob Benson, Peter Martin, Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Bruce White, Garry Trigg , Clyde Cruickshanks, Anne Burgess and Jan Martin.

The Tree Gang of Duncan Dyer, Geoff Bridge, Martin Gallagher, Bruce White & Garry Trigg brought down a dead tree on the 13th fairway which was cleaned up with the help of the greens staff and the bobcat.

The Painting Gang today was made up of Peter Martin, Trevor Harrison, Rob Benson & Clyde Cruickshanks and their mission was to paint the Bush Toilets.  They did a great job and it is amazing what a coat of fresh paint can do. Peter later fixed up the watering systems at the 1st and the 10th tee gardens.

Anne Burgess and I were kept busy on many small and large tasks - checking out the damage at the back of the 10th tee at the fence line where we have had dogs digging up the gardens and also have had some low life cutting down the security fence to gain unlawful entry to the club grounds.  The new vine at the 14th tee was fertilized and watered; the olive trees were sprayed and treated with Confidor; the three shrubs next to the wedding garden were treated with Confidor as some grubs had got to the leaves;  the garden behind the putting green was cleaned out; weeded & trimmed and the Azaleas were sprayed; the Roses at the putting green were sprayed; the Wedding Garden was raked, weeded and watered; the pathway was raked and the practice nets were given a lick and a promise; the BBQ garden was tidied up by Anne; plants at the back of the 5th green and the 5th tee were watered.

Morning tea was some huge iced buns which were welcome after a hard morning at work.  Our thanks to Chef John!

The Course was very busy today with a contingent of Vets players so we were not able to do our normal rubbish pick up.  We did get some good projects finished today.


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