Monday, December 14, 2009

F- Troop - Monday 14th December 2009

We had 10 F-Troopers on hand this morning - those that I saw were Martin Gallagher, Duncan Dyer, Spencer Walklate, Geoff Bridge, Warren Gray, Des Wilson, Peter Martin, Mark Stimpson and Yvonne Wilson.
A lot of work was achieved and the light drizzle of rain was more pleasant to work in than a blistering hot day.
The Troopers worked hard all morning with Warren taking on the rough cutting duties. There were some old dead trees removed, trimmed some crepe myrtles and lilly pillys, paths raked at the 5th and the 7th and general rubbish picked up. The garden at the front steps was cleaned up, raking around the front entrance and the path to the pro shop cleaned.
Martin & Mark did a tree/course inspection to identify probem trees and areas that F-Troop want to work in next year.
Yvonne tidied up the garden near the front steps and later Yvonne & Des transferred some plants into the new garden at the 6th to complete that garden.
I was kept busy with a delivery of 2 tonn of Nepean River pebbles (compliments of Col and Kay Adams) which had to be spread on the new garden at the Ladies 3rd tee. These pebbles will help to keep down the weed growth so that this garden will have low maintenance in the future.
Then a couple more of the "Electric pink Cordylines" were planted on the new garden at the 6th to complete that garden. This will be another low maintenance garden in the future.
A visit to the wedding garden area to refresh the birdbath, a quick garden tidy & water the elkhorns in preparation for more hot weather.
At F-Troop morning tea we were offered some baby muffins from our chef John to accompany our traditional 'morning tea' in the Spike Bar. Very nice! Thanks John!
A REMINDER TO ALL F-TROOPERS who are available - This coming Saturday - Golf for the men to be followed at 5.00pm by a BBQ for the Men and Ladies to celebrate our years work.

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