Sunday, March 2, 2025

F-Troop - Monday 3rd March 2025


F-Troop -Morning Tea - Dave Medcalf, Bev Way, Carolyn Buttsworth, Leeanne Binns, Peter Martin, Trevor Harrison, Rob Benson, Don Nicholls, Duncan Dyer ( Frank Potter, Kevin O’Brien, Lyn Bates, Jan Martin, John Hollebon, Laurelle Freeman)

Hedge maintenance at the 18th Hole by F-Troopers John Hollebon and Carolyn Buttsworth

Garden at the Ladies 3rd Tee tidied up by F-Troopers Leeanne Binns and Lyn Bates

The little yellow machine piled up with garden rubbish today

Just some of the rubbish picked up from the gardens and course
Do you think F-Troop make a difference?

We had 15 volunteers today which allowed us to get a lot of work done on the course.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Kevin O’Brien, Rob Benson, John Hollebon, Dave Medcalf, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, Frank Potter, Bev Way, Carolyn Buttsworth, Leeanne Binns, Lyn Bates, Laurelle Freeman and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on today were tree maintenance; Rubbish and loose timber pick up around the course; trimming of the climbing vine at the 10th tee; hedge maintenance; clearing of the garden rubbish bins; removal of rogue camphour Laurel trees growing in the hedges at the chipping green; poisoning weeds on the pathway of the Practice nets garden and pathways of the front gardens; Watering and tidy up of gardens at the Ladies 2nd Tee garden, 3rd ladies tee and the 5th tee; tidy up of the weeds underneath the hedges surrounding the putting green; dead heading the iceberg roses at the putting green and front garden; weeding the front of clubhouse gardens; tidy up of the 18th gardens including addition of plants and mowing of the grass at the back path on Camelia Way.

We enjoyed our morning tea of fresh sandwiches after a hard mornings work.


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