Monday, July 1, 2024

F-Troop - Monday 1st July 2024


F-Troop Morning Tea - Duncan Dyer, Peter Martin, Don Nicholls, Trevor Harrison (Rob Benson, John Hollebon and Jan Martin)

We had 7 volunteers on this very chilly morning but we were able to achieve a good lot of clean up jobs around the clubhouse gardens as we could not take equipment out on the course.

On hand we had Duncan Dyer, Trevor Harrison, Don Nicholls, Peter Martin, Rob Benson, John Hollebon and Jan Martin.

Projects worked on loose timber pick up around the course (shanks Pony), pick up of rubbish from the garden bins, gardens behind the practice nets and garden at the 1st tee, removal of fallen branches at the back of the clubhouse and Victoria Park, mulch to gardens at the 1st tee. Hedge maintenance and garden weeding o& the clubhouse gardens.

It was still cool at morning tea break so we managed to find a bit of sunshine to enjoy our morning tea of fresh sandwiches.


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